Sunday, 4 January 2009

It's not all mince pies and mulled wine...

I found out today my ex-boyfriend spent Christmas day on his own. His Mum died not long after we split last year. We have not spoken for months but have had a little contact over the past weeks, and spoke on the phone today. I felt so guilty when I he told me, if we had spoken before xmas I would invited him to my house in a flash for the day, no matter what had gone on between us when we broke up - I always care for anyone who has been in my life.

I think christmas can be such a sad time for many people... we are built up to the consumer orientated ideal of blissful happiness, helped along by adding to those credit card debts buying tat for people they will never use. But many people will spend they day alone feeling ten times worse because they can't conform to this ideal we are all made to aspire to.

So here's hoping you all had a contented Christmas, and wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. x


justme said...

And a happy New Year to you too!
I also spent xmas alone, for the first time ever, but in a way, it was because that was what I chose to do. In the absence of a family of my own to spend it with, I chose NOT to spend it added on to someone elses, because quite honestly I felt that would make me sadder. Maybe your ex felt like that too?

TabbyT said...

Hi Justme, you make a very good point. But even if he had turned down the offer for his own reasons, such as te points you raise, i would still have liked to have offered and it may have given him some comfort knowing that he had ben invited... how did you find your Christmas? Hope you are ok xx