Monday, 24 November 2008

The problem with boys...

At one stage or another they manage to sneak right into your head! I've been seeing D for about ten weeks now and all has been nice and chilled, no stresses really. But then comes the moment when you realise you are starting to get just a weeny bit closer to them than you had planned. Suddenly you feel slightly vulnerable and open to pains of the heart, and I hate this part.

I don't see me and him being together for a long time for various reasons, infact when we met on holiday in ibiza I thought it would just be one night, then just a holiday romanace, then just one meeting back in London and it's just gone on from there. Long phone calls and facebook messaging in the day. I don't really know where the ten weeks have gone but suddenly here we are, and I think I like him. Only I'm scared to like him because to be honest I can just see heartbreak in the future if 'liking' starts to happen.


Anonymous said...

yikes. I know these situations....and honestly the best thing to do is take a step back yourself. Distance yourself, make more plans with friends etc. If he's not interested, nothing will change, he'll carry on pulling out of plans. But if he is interested, his 'male chasing hormone things' will kick in and he'll be knocking down your door.
Sage advice, and something I wish I'd done once or twice!iy

Please Don't Eat With Your Mouth Open said...

I'm with PJB.

Saying that, it's easier said than done. I've been there with the 'eeek, this is going way too deep' thing, but by that point it's usually too late to do much about it anyway. Just dive on in.

TabbyT said...

Thank you for the wise advice! :O)